Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Forgiving others by faith

Good morning on this wonderful day. This is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Today, as I think about the things in my life that he changed I think of the following.

Number 1: my relationship with God, and I stand on the word of God.

Number 2: putting God first, sometimes we have to ask yourself what does this mean. Personally, I think a lot of it has to do with putting the word first, putting others first and looking at other people and see what they're going through and if it's in your power to help them meet that need we should do it. Sometimes it's just a matter of being quiet and listening to the voice of God.
Let's talk about some of the things I believe God for.

My health and for a total manifestation of his healing power in my life physical mental and spiritual. Also financial blessings totally debt-free.

My work situation and getting along with others and just being a blessing to those in my life. I know that only I can do this with the help of God. There's nothing that is impossible of God because the word of God says all things are possible to him that believes. Think of the things in your life that you believe God for and think about how long you have been in certain situations. Sometimes we struggle day after day, month after month and year after year and this is not God's best. God doesn't want us to be continuously struggling with different problems and situations that keep on happening in our life.
I know sometimes life can be overwhelming. But I know that we serve a God that never changes. I know that God has our best interest at heart and he wants to meet your every need and give us the desires of our heart. Today you and I my friend just need to stand upon the greatness of God's word and declare his goodness and his mercy in our life.

Maybe today you're struggling with unforgiveness in your heart towards others. I will tell you that if this is the case this will stop us from receiving from God. Unforgiveness stops God from doing his very best in our life. It's impossible for God to move in our lives if we have unforgiveness. Sometimes we have to forgive people who have hurt us abused us by faith. We don't have the natural ability to forgive on her own that is why it takes something else to help us forgive and that is a true relationship with God and asking him to give us the ability and strength in the love to forgive with his help by faith.

Forgiving others by faith

Japanese Kanji Love,Life,Faith

an image of faith Japanese Kanji Love,Life,Faith
"Japanese Kanji Love,Life,Faith Japanese Kanji Love,Life,Faith"

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