Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thankful for what I have

As I write this post on this Sunday I am reminded how good God really is to us. He is so faithful. He is very patient with us. He wants his children to be patient and loyal to him. He has given us so many precious promises that words cannot be written or said how much he loves his children.

As I look at the new direction my life and career is going i am reminded I need to trust and seek God. I need to remind myself of all his wonderful promises. I am now doing something at work that I need Gods help more then ever. I am doing something that is taking me out of my comfort zone. I am having to get up in front of clients and do groups. Standing in front of people has not been my strong point. I am taking one day at a time and know that I will be OK, because I am a child of God. He loves me and only wants the best for me.

God Bless You and thanks for reading.

The Scrappy Housewife: Be Patient


Truly, by living by that sentiment and being patient, I've become more thankful for what I have. It's also forced me to be creative with the resources I already have. The saving lifestyle isn't all about instant gratification. It doesn't ...

Learning and Sharing with Ms. Lirenman: I Am Thankful For ...


As I celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend it is important for me to take the time to be thankful for what I have in my life. I am thankful for my family. As crazy as we all are, when I need them most they are always there for me.

SACRIFICE: Connor Masella Fights Rare Tumor in his Ear - Athletic ...


“I'd have to say that I am more thankful for what I have than what I lost,” he said. “Due to the Cholesteatoma, I have lost just about all of my hearing in my left ear, but thankfully I'm still able to play.” And that is what's important to ...

You can try a million times and even if you succeed only once, none ...


Throughout the past month of Global classes at lunch, I have begun to realize the importance of not only being thankful for what I have, but to also realize that there are others out there who are not able to experience the ...

Lebanon Daily News - Blake pulls a stunner, beats Bolt in 100 - Lebanon Daily News 30

"I'm just thankful for what I have today. I got my spot in the 100 meters. I'm happy for that.". Left out this time was Sherone Simpson, who was part of the 100 medals sweep in Beijing. She finished fourth.


Five days of shopping left and me being thankful for all the beautiful things that I have in my life. Thank you my Lord.