Saturday, November 2, 2013

How to deal with a racing mind

Are you experiencing a racing mind. I ask myself sometimes why does my mind race.
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Anxiety changes the way you think. Sometimes it can make you think more negatively. Sometimes it can make you obsess over things you shouldn't obsess over. And sometimes, anxiety can cause you to have racing thoughts that you cannot seem to control.
Racing, rapid thoughts can make you feel like you're going crazy. But they're actually a somewhat normal anxiety symptom. This article will explore the idea of racing thoughts and what you can do to help control it.
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Worrying, racing thoughts is the one symptom with anxiety that can bother people the most; they do not understand how they can have such thoughts that seem so scary and come with such impact. I have heard people say they fear the beginning of O.C.D or that they have awful thoughts about those closest to them, feel that they are ‘going mad’ and that they cannot control these disturbing thoughts, they seem to come without them even thinking them. Well these do have an explanation and these worrying, disturbing thoughts really are just an off-shoot of anxiety.
The reason you seem to have your attention on yourself all day and it feels like there are many thoughts running through your mind is twofol
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How do I stop racing thoughts in my mind? Its like I start to think so fast so many though go through my head that it makes me anxious. Alot of these though are negative. I think thought after thought real fast non stop. How can I become come and relaxed and stop this. Taking warm bath helps a little and I am much calmer when I wake up, litstening to slow music helps a little too
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Having a lot of thoughts is a good thing. A racing mind is an active mind and if you're the sort of person who thinks at a hundred miles an hour then chances are that you impress your friends, that you have lots of good ideas and that you are going to go far in life – in your career and in your personal life.
However there are times when racing thoughts can be a burden and when you just want to let go and relax. The brain uses energy just like anything else and that means that racing thoughts can actually physically tire you out. At the same time the fact that your thoughts are distracting means that they can cause problems and interfere with other activities. Most notably racing thoughts can prevent you from being able to sleep

Today anyone i believe who deals with a racing mind want freedom from this torment. I think you have to get to the place where you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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