Monday, April 28, 2014

It is not always someone elses fault

After 5 classes today I am glad the day is almost over. With all these classes one thing I find is that when someone is facing a problem it usually is someone else’s fault.  Most people do not want to take personal responsibility.  I agree sometimes others make it hard for us; however we should not let this stop us from moving forward.

One person even mentioned today in group that they do not think I even care. They said my body language said a lot. My response to the client was that the day I stop caring is the day they will not see me ever again. People sometimes do not want to take a look at them. They are strictly focused on others. As the saying goes we should not throw stones at glass houses.

I want the best that God has for me. I know for God to be able to move in my life I must help others get what they want. This must be done even when others are not treating you right or on your team. God see’s all and he is the one where blessing come are from.

What do you want in life my special friend. We should desire the will of God. The will of Gods is the will of God. God is not a respecter of persons. If he has ever blessed someone else he will bless you and me.

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